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Thank you for your interest in bringing your music to

J&T’s Copper Penny. 

Please keep in mind, Fri. and Sat. nights are 4+ member bands who play Classic Rock, Rock (not heavy metal) amd Variety Bands. A few Country songs are okay. Sunday is our Country night. Tuesday is usually Duos and Trios that play a variety of Genres.


Jamie Brayden-Simpson is an Owner and Entertainment Director.  She is the one that makes ALL decisions regarding bands that are hired. This is what you need to do:


Please send the following info to Jamie at


1.  Please answer this question:

Why do you think your band would be a good fit for JTCP?


2.  Please include links to your website and/or Facebook page.


3.  Send links to any fairly recent videos you have of the band

playing LIVE at a venue.


4.  Send a list of some of the venues you’ve played at and where you will be playing and dates.


5. Your current song list


6.  A 2 set list of what you would play at JTCP on a Fri. or Sat. night. (Fri. & Sat. bands play 7-11pm) or 1 set for a Tuesday or Sunday night. (those nights are 3 hours)


7.  What your rate is for a 4 hour Fri. or Sat. gig  or a 3 hour Tuesday or Sunday night.


8.  Make sure to include a name and phone number for the person that is in charge of bookings for your band.



You're welcome to add anything else you feel she should know.

She realizes this may seem like a lot to ask you to do, but it actually makes the process quicker and easier for everyone.  Out of professional courtesy as a fellow musician, she DOES check out the page and video links and reads all the information of every band that contacts her.  If Jamie is interested in hiring your band she will try to get out to one of your dates as soon as possible. She gets a multitude of bands wanting to play at JTCP and can't possibly respond to all of them. She will only respond to those she feels might be a good fit. If she has not contacted you within 2-3 weeks by text, she likely doesn't feel your band would be right for JTCP.

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